Have you seen us in your School?
Our RYI Staff team deliver workshops to almost all the high schools in Perth & Kinross as well as the College and University.
Our workshops are for all years groups and cover lots of different topics such as:
- Gender Stereotypes,
- Social Media,
- What is Sexual Violence,
- Sexualisation and Pornography,
- Consent.
- And much more
You might have seen us in class or in the corridors going from classroom to classroom. You can always ask us a question, tell us something you think we should know, find out about our Youth Ambassador Programme or just simply say Hello!
We also deliver workshops for youth group and clubs so you might see us there. You can always ask us to come a deliver a session if you think your group might like to know more.
You might have also seen us at a stall at high school, the college or the university. We keep busy!
We love our jobs and believe that young people are the future change makers and can play a key role in challenging sexual violence. We also learn so much from young people and they make our jobs fun and challenging.
If you would like us to visit your school or Youth Group speak to your Teacher/worker and we can arrange a workshop.
And you can always say ‘Hi’ if you see us.
Does your school get involved with YPI?
YPI stands for Youth and Philanthropy Initiative and is a project carried out in schools around Perth and Kinross.
YPI is a fantastic project which can help us to raise awareness of our services and helps to fund our services. If you decide to choose RASAC as your charity for your schools YPI project then please feel free to get in touch with us. We are more than happy to give you as much information as you need to support you with your presentation, including videos, photos of the centre and an outline of what we do.
Here is a video by one of the YPI from a few years ago. They were awarded the final prize for their great presentation and the enthusastic way they spoke about our services.
We would also like to thank all the past YPI school groups who have chosen us as their Charity and a big THANK YOU to the groups that were awarded the prize money for RASAC services.
Useful Contacts
To find out more about our RYI Programmes or choosing us as your YPI charity you can contact contact the Prevention Team on 01738 626290 and ask to speak to Shelley, Faber or Joanne, or fill out the form below and we will get back to you very soon.
YPI Interest Form
If you are interested in choosing us as your YPI charity we would very happy to support you with any information you need, and a YPI group visit to the centre. We need a bit of information from you so that we send you the information you need or to arrange a visit.
Fields marked with a * are required.
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RASAC Multi-Agency Training 2024
We will be delivering a mixture of online and in person sessions. All in person sessions will take place at 14 New Row, Perth, PH1 5QA. Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
If you are looking to refer any young person (12+) or adult woman - including yourself, to RASAC for Support please ensure you fill in all relevant sections of our referral form and ensure that the individual you are referring signs the form. We aim to offer an initial appointment to the individual within two to three weeks.
Check out our latest Newsletter looking at: -Our Support Services - Check out our new Videos -International Women's Day - Fundraising Night - Sticker campaign -Reaching out to the Community - UHI Drop in Support, OWLs Drop in Support & Conversation Cafes with hard to reach communities -Self-Care - Spa Day at Home -Survivor's Groups - What Groups are on till July 23 & some exciting new outdoor activities! -RASAC Youth Initiative - Student Ambassadors Recruitment & what the Youth Ambassadors have been up to. Check out our new Youth -Ambassador video by our Prevention Worker
Novembers newsletter looks at: Our Support Services 16 Days of Action to End Violence Events including Reclaim The Night March RASAC P&K Service Spotlight - New Young People Drop In Service Self-Care - How to make a Self-Care Box Survivor's Groups - What Groups are on till January 2023 RASAC Youth Initiative - Student Ambassadors Recruitment & what the Youth Ambassadors have been up to
Impact Newsletter - Equally Safe in School - April 22
The ESAS approach is designed to meet the health and wellbeing outcomes of the Curriculum for Excellence and other key frameworks such as Getting It Right For Every Child. ESAS takes a whole school approach, working with staff and students to prevent gender-based violence and to increase confidence and skills in responding to incidents and disclosures of such violence. It aims to positively influence the school culture by fostering a shared, consistent approach to gender-based violence.