Survivor's Words, Art and Action
Survivor Feedback
Survivor feedback is so important to us, it really does help us improve our services ensuring that our services meet survivors needs. Thank you to all the survivors who give us feedback and for allowing us to publish your words.
"I really struggled when I was on the waiting list. Having to wait those weeks really affected me. I know that it is cause, you have loads of people wanting help, but I really needed help when I needed it."
Our Response:
The number of women and young people on our waiting list is unacceptable and it is a problem we are very aware of. Many survivors struggle with waiting for the support they need. In response to this we set up the Crisis Support Service which any survivor on the waiting list can access while they wait for longer term Therapeutic Support. In addition we have our Helpline 5 days per week and the National Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline (08088 01 03 02, daily from 5pm – 12 midnight) is open every evening, every day of the year. We want to be here for you when you need support and we are working toward reducing the time any one has to wait on the list but in the meantime we hope you can access some support from the above services.